The Damned (Best New Irish Feature)
In this atmospheric drama set in the 19th century, Eva, a young widow, faces an impossible choice when a ship sinks off the coast of her isolated fishing village during an especially cruel winter. With their food supplies dwindling, Eva and her crew must decide whether to rescue the shipwrecked sailors or let them perish to ensure their own survival. As the consequences of their actions begin to manifest, the villagers find themselves grappling with the weight of their decisions and begin to believe they are all being punished.
Drawing inspiration from classic Hollywood tales and thought-provoking morality plays, Icelandic writer/director Thordur Palsson (The Valhalla Murders) explores the complexities of human nature and the fragility of societal bonds in the face of adversity. He does so with accomplished artistry, from striking visuals to a haunting sound design. The cast led by Odessa Young and Joe Cole is as convincing as their characters’ chances to make it through the frozen winter are slim.
Best New Irish Feature Award nominee, proudly supported by the Irish Examiner